The high school Mathematics program is designed to prepare students to mathematically solve problems, communicate and reason, make connections between concepts and their applications, and make informed decisions as a contributor to society.

The high school Mathematics program is designed to prepare students to mathematically solve problems, communicate and reason, make connections between concepts and their applications, and make informed decisions as a contributor to society.
5 credits
Prerequisite: 80%+ in Grade 9 Math
This course is a prerequisite for Math 20-1 IB. Specific topics of study include relations and functions, exponents, surface area and volume, factoring of polynomials, and trigonometry. This course follows the same program of studies as Mathematics 10C but also includes a review of topics from the IB MYP programme. A student’s final mark will consist only of assessments relating to the Alberta Math 10C curriculum.
5 credits
Prerequisites: Suggest prerequisite of 65%+ in Grade 9 Math
This combined course is the starting point for both the “-1” and the “- 2” course sequences. Each topic area requires that the students develop a conceptual knowledge base and skill set that will be useful in both subsequent course sequences. Specific topics of study include relations and functions, exponents, surface area and volume, factoring of polynomials, and trigonometry.
5 credits
Practical course designed to meet requirements for high school graduation and entrance into most trades. Specific topics of study include finance, geometry, measurement, and trigonometry.
Recommended mark from grade 9: 50 % - 65%
5 credits
Competencies in Mathematics 15 is a review of grade 9 math with a focus on knowledge and skills required for Mathematics 10C. The course will cover topics including number sense, logical reasoning, measurement, algebra, graphical reasoning, statistics, and probability. Students will enhance numeracy skills and develop their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Mathematics 15 aims to set students up for success, but does not replace a 10-level math. Students must complete Mathematics 10C after.
5 credits
Prerequisite: 80%+ in Mathematics 10C SAL Pre-IB or teacher recommendation
This course continues the development of skills related to relations and functions with the introduction of quadratic functions and equations, rational functions, and absolute value functions. The course follows the same program of studies as Math 20-1 but includes the IB topics. A student’s final mark will consist only of assessments relating to the Alberta 20-1 curriculum.
5 credits
Prerequisite: Recommend 65%+ in Mathematics 10C
This course sequence is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of calculus. Topics in this sequence include sequences and series, trigonometry, quadratics, absolute values, radicals, inequalities, and system of equations.
5 credits
Prerequisite: 50%+ in Mathematics 10C
This course is intended for students who plan on entering a post-secondary field not requiring calculus. Specific topics of study include reasoning, trigonometry, statistical reasoning, radicals, quadratic functions, and equations.
5 credits
Prerequisite: 50%+ in Mathematics 10-3
This course is intended for students who intend to enter an apprenticeship or trade program or who plan on entering the work force after graduation. Students in Mathematics 20-3 study measurement involving triangles, 2D and 3D objects, scale diagrams, analyze and interpret graphs, personal finance mathematics, surface area and volume.
5 credits
Prerequisite: 80%+ in Mathematics 20-1 IB or teacher recommendation
This course follows the same program of studies as Mathematics 30-1. In addition to that curriculum, students will continue working through the Mathematics IB curriculum dealing with the topics of probability, expectation and normal distribution. Theory of Knowledge issues will be addressed. Students will also be introduced to mathematical exploration. A student’s final mark will consist only of assessments relating to the Alberta Math 30-1 curriculum.
5 credits
Prerequisite: Recommend 65%+ in Mathematics 20-1
This course is intended for students who intend to take calculus in their Grade 12 year or are entering a post-secondary program which requires calculus. The course covers concepts in transformations, logarithms, trigonometry, polynomial functions, permutations and combinations, the fundamental counting principle, and the binomial theorem.
5 credits
Prerequisite: 50% from 20-2 or 50% from 20-1
This course is designed for students planning to attend university but not necessarily in a math related field. This course covers concepts in set theory, logic puzzles, probability, permutations, combinations, the fundamental counting principle, rational expressions, logarithms, polynomials, and sinusoidal data.
Note: It is very important that students realize that this course has rigor and is valued by universities.
5 credits
Prerequisite: 50% in Mathematics 20-3
This course is designed for students who intend to enter an apprenticeship or trades program or who plan on entering the work force after graduation. It covers such mathematical concepts as measurement, trigonometry transformations of shapes, logic problems and puzzles, personal finance, linear relations and statistics and probability.
This 30-level course has no diploma examination.
5 credits
Prerequisite: 80% in Mathematics Analysis & Approaches Year 1 or teacher recommendation
This course is the final requirements in the IB mathematics program. Mathematics Analysis & Approaches Year 2 follows a similar curriculum to Math 31 with the addition of IB topics needed to complete the IB exam.
5 credits
Co-requisite: Math 30-1
Mathematics 31 is designed to introduce students to the mathematical methods of calculus. The course builds on students’ existing knowledge from the mathematics 10C, 20-1, and 30-1 curriculum, and expands this knowledge into the understanding of limits, derivatives, and integral calculus. Emphasis in this course will be placed on preparation to study further calculus courses in university or technical schools.
Having issues with math? Help is available through your teacher.
Math teachers are available before school, during lunch and after school if you arrange a time to meet with them.
You can also ask any math teacher at Salisbury for help... you just have to ASK!
Calculator Policy:
Only graphing calculators on Alberta Learning's approved list may be used. The TI-83 plus or TI-84 plus is recommended as all staff at Salisbury are familiar with their use and will be able to assist you with their various functions. If a student purchases a calculator other than the TI-83 plus or TI-84 plus , the onus will be on the student to learn to use it properly. Your teacher must be able to clear your calculator at any time. Password protection must be removed. Games are not allowed on any calculator that is used in the classroom. All calculators will be cleared before exams and the lids must be placed on the floor as per rules set out by Alberta Learning.
Cell Phones:
Cell phones are not allowed in math classes at Salisbury. They are a source of distraction and a threat to exam security.